Electronic Invoice Negotiation

Negociación de facturas electrónicas
On Electronic Invoice Negotiation

Electronic Invoice Negotiation

Our secure platform facilitates the negotiation of receivable invoices, ensuring quick liquidity or investment opportunities for profitability.

On Electronic Invoice Negotiation

Our secure platform facilitates the negotiation of receivable invoices, ensuring quick liquidity or investment opportunities for profitability.

Secure liquidity by forwarding payment of your receivable invoices, selling to investors via our robust platform. 

Invest purposefully: purchasing electronic invoices offers short-term gains and risk diversification. 

  • Enhance liquidity and streamline portfolio collection.
    Enhance liquidity and streamline portfolio collection.
  • Not a financial liability.
    Not a financial liability.
  • No credit checks or credit bureau reporting (*Conditions apply).
    No credit checks or credit bureau reporting (*Conditions apply).
  • Quick disbursement and transparent processes.
    Quick disbursement and transparent processes.
On Electronic Invoice Negotiation

  • Ownership of the invoice.

    Ownership of the invoice.

    Gain liquidity with advanced payments for your receivable electronic invoices. 


    • Achieve enhanced liquidity through optimal portfolio collection.
    • Does not create a financial liability.
    • Quick disbursement.
    • Access competitive rates.
  • Investor


    Secure short-term returns by purchasing electronic invoices. 


    • Enhanced profitability.
    • Back office support.
    • Transaction security verified through Sarlaft compliance.
    • Risk diversification.
    • Assets immune to seizure - Principle of Purpose.
  • Payer


    As the payer of the invoice, you gain the dual advantage of benefiting and supporting your suppliers. 


    • Enhances your suppliers' liquidity as a crucial component of your value chain.
    • Investor security through rigorous Sarlaft compliance.
    • Operational optimization.

Approximate costs for selling your electronic invoices.

The rates specified here are exclusive to the Colombian Mercantile Exchange. Please note that representation by one of our 10 Brokerage Firms is required; they impose an additional commission, which should be considered in the total operational costs. 

2.2% annual effective rate on the transaction value of the electronic invoices. 

Icono Calculadora
Rellene los datos para iniciar
Simulador de Tarifas
Tarifa BMC vendedor (%)
Corresponde al % a pagar a la BMC sobre el valor de la operación después del descuento, antes de IVA.
Valor de la operación después del descuento
Valor de giro por parte del inversionista sin incluir costos de BMC ni Sociedad Comisionista de Bolsa
Costos BMC:
Corresponde al valor a pagar a la Bolsa Mercantil de Colombia

Our Expertise in Numbers

Más información

Contacte a uno de nuestros especialistas en Negociación de Facturas y conozca por qué es una oportunidad de financiación o inversión