Atra-e, the invoice stock market

Atra-e, el merado bursátil de facturas


Invest or find financing through the trading of electronic invoices and leverage the growth of your business.


Atra-e is a secure product that facilitates the trading of receivable invoices, ensuring timely liquidity and offering investment opportunities for profitability.

We are a stock market ecosystem that connects invoice sellers in need of liquidity with investors seeking returns.

A market with purpose: The purchase of electronic invoices provides attractive returns and working capital that drives development in Colombia.

  • Find liquidity and optimize your receivables collection.
    Find liquidity and optimize your receivables collection.
  • Invest short-term and diversify risk
    Invest short-term and diversify risk
  • We are a market regulated by the Financial Superintendency of Colombia.
    We are a market regulated by the Financial Superintendency of Colombia.
More about ATRA-E

  • Invoice Seller

    Invoice Seller

    Access liquidity opportunities as an individual or a legal entity, by trading your invoices or bundles of invoices in the primary or secondary market of the BMC.


    • Obtain liquidity and optimize your receivables collection
    • Access a marketplace of investors and competitive rates
    • Trade bundles of heterogeneous invoices
    • It does not constitute a financial liability*.
    Learn more
  • Investors and Portfolio Managers

    Investors and Portfolio Managers

    We create investment opportunities to generate returns superior to traditional instruments.


    • Attractive returns
    • Diversification of the investment portfolio and access to a marketplace of alternative assets
    • Unseizable assets under the principle of finality
    • Experience and institutionalism
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  • Payer


    As the invoice payer, you can also benefit and support the development of your suppliers.


    • Tax optimization
    • Facilitate liquidity for your suppliers within your value chain
    • Simplification of the operational process associated with invoice payment
    • Security and institutionalism
    Learn more

Learn more about our invoice stock market, leave us your data to tell you what we can offer you:

Our experience in figures

More information

Contact one of our Atra-e specialists and find out why this is a financing or investment opportunity